Optical sight


To make shooting at long distances easier, a telescope – a telescope with a reticle – is mounted on the weapon. Such a sight is called a telescopic sight. It simplifies the process of aiming, increases accuracy and chances of a successful shot.

How a rifle scope works
The sight is rigidly mounted on the weapon, and the exact adjustment of the reticle position is made by the ballistic correction mechanism – two micrometric screws. Many riflescopes are equipped with LED backlighting, allowing for better visibility of the reticle at dusk.

View through the eyepiece of the telescopic sight
The principle of operation of such a sight is not different from a conventional telescope or telescope. To make a shot, it is enough to align the crosshairs with the enlarged image of the target.

high accuracy;
possibility to see the target at a long distance;
convenience, simplicity and speed of aiming;
simple and reliable construction.

small viewing angle;
increased weight and dimensions of the weapon;
is afraid of shocks, mechanical damage;
overlaps the open sight: it is impossible to make a shot at close range (except for the rounds).

Despite its weight and size, the optic is the second most popular sight after the usual mechanical one. It is mounted on rifled military, hunting weapons and pneumatics. Smoothbore rifles, which have relatively low accuracy, are rarely used with scopes. When shooting pellets it simply does not make sense, but for hunting bullets, especially for people with short-sightedness, often use the sights of variable magnification: from 1x to 6x multiplicity.

Separate attention should be paid to rifles, about the telescopic sight for which we have prepared separate articles – small rifle and air rifle. The fact is that these rifles are very accurate for their distances, and working with a telescopic sight on them is no different from powerful rifles. At the same time, the cost of the shot allows for full training in shooting techniques.